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Rotherham Red.

Rotherham Red

Colours the town,

It's not a rainbow,

You understand.

( I don't want to blow

The rocks trumpet

In this respect)

Make it out to be

More than it is,

But it's not just red;

It's just not red at all,

Look, you can see

It's palette, like a box

Of water colour blocks,

From my window:

Grains of Alizarin crimson,

Deep purples,

Browns, burnt umber,

And burnt sienna,

Yellow ochre and

Peach pink, with

Sparks of cadmium

Orange even, alongside

Grey and lamp black

These walls truly glow.

The stones are full

Of contradictions.

Our Rotherham Red

Is called a soft rock!

This doesn't mean that

If you were to throw it,

It wouldn't break windows

Or crack skulls; but

It erodes just like it did

In the first place,

Millions of years ago:

Dust to dust.

The wind and rain

Carve caves,

In the old walls

The nooks and

Crannies of the town.

©Tim Brannen

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